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Sockenstugan / The parish cottage

In English below

Sockenstugan L


Sockenstugan rakennettiin vuonna 1830 kirkon eteläpuolelle. Siellä oli tarkoitus pitää kokouksia, rippikoulua, kinkereitä ja pyhäkoulua. Yleisen oppivelvollisuuden tullessa vuonna 1921 taloa laajennettiin, ja se toimi alakouluna (1. ja 2. luokat) aina kevätlukukaudelle 1954 saakka, ja sitten muutaman vuoden kansalaiskouluna. Nykyään Sockenstugania käytetään seurakunnan ja kunnan nuorisotoiminnassa.

Lisää infoa ruotsiksi


Sockenstugan was built in 1830 south of the church. Sockenstugan was to be used for meetings, writing school, reading interrogation and Sunday school. When compulsory schooling was introduced in 1921, a constitution was passed to expand Sockenstugan with a school hall and teachers' quarters. Before that, the hall had been converted into a residence. A twig in front had also been built. Now the builder Isak Malm was commissioned to make drawings for the extension. Until the beginning of the spring semester in 1921, everything was ready for use.
Olivia Orre had been employed as a teacher in the church primary school (grades 1 and 2) in 1911. This primary school was connected to Köping's school in 1917 and became municipal. Olivia Orre worked as a teacher until 1950. Sockenstugan functioned as a small school until the spring term in 1954 and then for a few years as a civic school. Nowadays, Sockenstugan is used for the parish's and the municipality's youth activities.

More info in Swedish

Sources: Malax församling, malaxforsamling.fi. The book Jungfrudanser och snickarglädje. Compiled by Kerstin Hägen.

Päivitetty 03.06.2022 13:51